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Community Rules
Thank you for participating in our community.
We have established some basic guidelines for participation for all members. By joining and using the forum, you agree that you have read and will follow the rules and guidelines set for the discussion group. This is a great medium with which to share your experiences, and participate in an on-going conversation.
Please take a moment to acquaint yourself with these important guidelines. Shoresh reserves the right to suspend or terminate membership on all forum for members who violate these rules.
Don't challenge or attack others. Let others have their say, just as you may.
Don't post commercial messages. .
All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Please note carefully all items posted in the disclaimer and legal rules below, particularly regarding the copyright ownership of information posted to the topic.
Remember that Shoresh and other forum participants have the right to reproduce postings to this forum. Send your message only to the most appropriate topic(s).
Do not spam several topics with the same message.
State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line.
Include only the relevant portions of the original message in your reply.
Only send a message to the entire forum when it contains information that can benefit everyone.
Send messages such as "thanks or me too" to individuals - not to the entire forum. It will be treated as spamming.
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